Thursday, February 3, 2011

Freedom and Democracy Now to hold demonstrations on February 20th 2011

Following the accelerated developments at a global scale, to restore the dignity of the people, and establish democracy, freedom, and the will of the people as a priority. We announce our initiative to organize a peaceful demonstration in order to demand that the royal institution makes the necessary changes in the political system. To allow Moroccans to rule themselves by themselves, break with the past for real and irrevocably, benefit from the resources of the country, and achieve real development.
We decided to hold demonstrations on February 20th 2011, in all Moroccan cities, in front of municipalities, and institutions representing the authorities. The royal system, through its new king, at the onset of his rule, had expressed its intention to modernize Moroccan society, and launched timid initiatives in that direction, by investigating into the period commonly known as the lead years, and adopting a new language to respond to the demands of Moroccans. But those initiatives came to a halt, to say the least, if not to a point of total regression and a constant avoidance to treat the real problems of authority in Morocco. The free voices in Morocco have called for a clear separation between powers, the necessity to link authority to political and legal responsibility, and to abolish the feudal system which accumulates riches in the hands of a minority, without a real benefit in return to the economy, which only contributed in the pauperization of the Moroccan people, hence the general frustration and feeling of despair, and the tendency to religious extremism.
For all of these reasons, and other ones, we announce the birth of "Freedom and Democracy Now" movement, on the ground of the following requirements:
  1. To nullify the current Constitution, and appoint a founding commission among uncorrupted and qualified countrymen, that would establish a new Constitution putting royalty at its natural place. - To dissolve the parliament, the government, and political parties which contributed to the political corruption.
  2. To take real and tangible action to relieve the suffering of the Moroccan people, and create an urgent fund to compensate unemployment.
  3. To release all political detainees.
  4. To appoint an interim government that would do management tasks temporarily, pending the establishment of the Constitution and the consensus of uncorrupted factions and institutions on the actions to be taken, in the context of the new social contract between royalty and society.

Another statements will be issued for further clarifications and instantiations of concrete actions.

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